Annual Outstanding Student of the Year Award-Call for Nominations
Dear UCTC Faculty,
We are pleased to announce that UCTC will be designating an outstanding graduate student through a program of the U.S. Department of Transportation and Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC). We are accepting 2 nominations per UC campus of the UCTC consortium as organized by UCTC's Associate Directors. Only applications nominated by associate directors will be considered.
The student awardee will be honored with others from around the country at a special ceremony held during the TRB Annual Meeting.
The awardee will receive $1,000 plus the cost of attendance (conference registration, and travel/lodging expenses) at the 2013 TRB Annual Meeting from his/her Center, two free registrations to the CUTC Banquet (for the student and his/her guest), and a certificate from USDOT.
Provided below is information on the selection criteria, application deadline and selection process.
The Annual Outstanding Student of the Year Awards ceremony is scheduled to take place as part of the CUTC annual banquet on Saturday, January 11, 2014, with a start time of approximately 6:00 PM (location TBD). Awardees must attend the full length of the banquet.
The Associate Director will be responsible for nominating a maximum of TWO graduate student nominations on his or her respective campus per the eligibility criteria below.
The UCTC campuses are UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, and UCSB.
1. Eligible candidates must have completed with a grade of B or better at least 12 hours of graduate course work at the time the selection is made, and have a graduate GPA in higher than 3.25 (out of 4.00).
2. Eligible candidates must have received financial support UCTC for at least two semesters (or three quarters) prior to receiving the award.
3. Student must be in a graduate degree program and is a US citizen or permanent resident.
4. Selection will be based upon accomplishments in three areas:
- Technical Merit and Research
- Academic Performance
- Professionalism and Leadership
Evidence of research merit is based upon faculty nomination and evaluation of submitted written papers or reports. Academic performance is based upon courses attempted and grades attained. Evidence of professionalism and leadership can be in the form of presentations at professional society meetings and symposia, and leadership in student professional activities.
Only applications nominated by associate directors will be considered.
UCTC will establish a selection committee consisting of faculty representatives and members of UCTC’s Advisory Committee. This committee will evaluate written documentation submitted by students and will select the awardee based on the criteria above.
The nominated students, as identified by the respective UCTC campus Associate Director, should submit the following information to the selection committee to assist it in its deliberations.
Please note the page limitations mentioned below, which will be strictly enforced.
• one-page nomination letter from one faculty member
• one-page bio-statement prepared by the nominee describing her or his background, qualifications and interest in the field
• one-page resume summarizing the nominee’s educational and employment experiences and other relevant information on achievements
• Up to one example of student’s work such as an academic paper (maximum 30 pages) written by the nominee (note: single-authored versus co-authored papers are preferred; if a co-author paper is submitted, the nominee should be the lead author)
• Academic transcript
• One-page noting compliance with the USDOT-required areas of eligibility:
1. Eligible candidates must have completed with a grade of B or better at least 12 hours of graduate course work at the time the selection is made, and have a graduate GPA in higher than 3.25 (out of 4.00).
2. Eligible candidates must have received financial support UCTC for at least two semesters (or three quarters) prior to receiving the award.
3. Student must be a US citizen or permanent resident and is in a graduate degree program.
Application materials should be addressed to the following and submitted via email to UCTC at and importantly please be sure the message specifies “Student of the Year application as nominated by campus Associate Director” in the “subject” line. Please combine all application materials into a single PDF file whose name includes the nominee's name. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission within 2 business days.
Applications are due October 31, 2013 by midnight to this email address:
Robert Cervero and Karen Frick
University of California Transportation Center