New Research Webinars for Professionals Bridging Transportation Research and Practice:
The ITS Professional Capacity Building Program (ITS PCB), in the ITS Joint Program Office, is offering the following Talking Technology and Transportation (T3) Webinar:
Public Transit Intelligent Transportation Systems Implementations – Lessons Learned June 2, 2011
Free. Registration required.
June 15, 2011 Lessons from Abroad
Topics in Travel Behavior May 11, 2011
Getting Around When Your're Just Getting By: Transporation Survival Strategies of the Urban Poor Evelyn Blumenberg - Mineta Transportation Institute, SJSU
Exploring the Effectiveness of Transit Security Awareness Campaigns in the Bay Area Frances Edwards, Mineta Transportation Institute, SJSU
Energy Infomration Feedback Field Test: Driver Responses and Behavioral Theory Ken Kurani - Sustainable Transporation Center, UC Davis
Rethinking Infrastructure April 13, 2011
How Do We Make Urban Arterials Safe and More Comfortable for Pedestrians? Findings from the Accumulated Research and Possible New Performance Measures Elizabeth Macdonald - University of California Transportation Center
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment for Pavements John Harvey - Sustainable Transportation Center, UC Davis
Eyeballs on the Street: Using Smartphones for Security at a Los Angeles Transportation Hub Martin Krieger - METRANS Transportation Center, USC and CSULB
Elizabeth Deakin, Karen Trapenberg Frick, and Kevin M. Shively Markets for Dynamic Ridesharing? Case of Berkeley, California February 2011, UCTC-FR-2011-01
Ridesharing programs are widespread across the United States. Dynamic ridesharing is a newer way to share rides on the fly or up to several days in advance using cell phone or computer messaging to make arrangements. This paper describes research conducted to assess the potential for dynamic ridesharing for travel to downtown Berkeley, California, and the University of California, Berkeley, campus. The study provides insights about the opportunities and challenges presented by this travel option. Data were collected from statistical and geographic analysis of the downtown and campus travel markets, and surveys and focus groups were administered to employees and graduate students. The study found that about one-fifth of commuters who drive alone to the campus would be interested in using dynamic ridesharing at least occasionally and live in areas where matches could be found. They would prefer to arrange a shared ride at least the night before rather than immediately before the trip is made. Many of these travelers were unaware of current rideshare services, and some would be willing to find a regular carpool partner. Finally, if parking charges are fairly high and parking supply is limited and regulated, financial incentives and carpool parking subsidies greatly increase interest in dynamic ridesharing.
Transfer of Innovative Policies Between Cities to Promote Sustainability Greg Marsden, Karen Trapenberg Frick, Anthony D. May and Elizabeth Deakin. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Issue Volume 2163 / 2010
Abstract: This paper describes how cities approach the challenging task of identifying, considering, and adopting innovative transport policies. Drawing on political science literature, the paper begins by establishing a framework for analyzing the process of policy transfer and policy learning. Cities were selected on the basis of their reputation for having adopted innovative policies. Data were collected from project reports and in-depth interviews with 40 professionals comprising planners, consultants, and operators in 11 cities across North America and northern Europe. This paper presents the findings from three key innovations: congestion charging, compact growth and transport planning, and carsharing. Each of these innovations was implemented at several sites, and there was evidence of learning across the sites studied. The case studies present a discussion of each policy alongside indications of its positive and negative impacts and then examine how the different cities approached the task of learning about how to introduce it and the issues that they faced. The paper identifies conditions that appear to support effective learning: reliance on strong networks of personal and professional contacts, drawing lessons from multiple sites, and financial and institutional support to facilitate the uptake of risky or technologically immature innovations.
See related research: Greg Marsden, Karen Trapenberg Frick, Anthony D. May and Elizabeth Deakin How do cities approach policy innovation and policy learning? A study of 30 policies in Northern Europe and North America November 2010, UCTC-FR-2010-35 and Good Practice in the Exploitation of Innovative Strategies in Sustainable Urban Transport: City Interview Synthesis 2009, Summer 880
California Growth Project
California’s population is anticipated to reach 50 million in the next 15 to 20 years. This study examined how California could accommodate this growth. Several University of California faculty researchers published the following articles:
- Elizabeth Deakin, “California Futures: Accommodating Growth in an Era of Climate Change and Rising Fuel Prices” (Access # 32)
- Marlon Boarnet, “Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development: New Planning Approaches for Urban Growth” (Access # 33)
- Adib Kanafani, “Mulitmodal Transportation in California: Connecting Trains, Planes and Automobiles” (Access # 33)
- Elizabeth Deakin and Robert Cervero, “The Challenge of Urban Transportation In California” (Access # 32)
In 2009, UCTC carried out focus groups with a diverse cross-section of 35 UC Berkeley undergrads. UCTC staff also mentored 14 undergrads in the UC Berkeley city and planning course this past academic year.
Transportation and urban development images project
This project makes available several thousand high quality transportation and city images collected by a number of photographers, including a large collection of photographs of UC Berkeley Professor Allan Jacobs. Digital copies of these slides will be available for use by all UC campuses through the College of Environmental Design Library at Berkeley.
Ongoing Technical Assistance:
Martin Wachs Distinguished Lecture
Undergraduate transportation educational initiative