Thomas, Alainna Collaboration and Learning: The Means to Sustainable Transportation in China UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2014-01
Griswold, Julia Baird Tradeoffs between Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Design of Urban Transit Systems UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2013-06
Kang, Jee Eun Integration of Locational Decisions with the Household Activity Pattern Problem and Its Applications in Transportation Sustainability, UC Irvine, UCTC-DISS-2013-05
Vij, Akshay Incorporating the Influence of Latent Modal Preferences in Travel Demand Models, UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2013-04
Sanders, Rebecca Lauren Examining the Cycle: How Perceived and Actual Bicycling Risk Influence Cycling Frequency, Roadway Design Preferences, and Support for Cycling Among Bay Area Residents, UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2013-03
Mondschein, Andrew Samuel The Personal City: The Experiential, Cognitive Nature of Travel and Activity and Implications for Accessibility, UC Los Angeles, UCTC-DISS-2013-02
Guerra, Erick Strom The New Suburbs: Evolving travel behavior, the built environment, and subway investments in Mexico City, UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2013-01
Shirgaokar, Manish The Rapid Rise of Middle-Class Vehicle Ownership in Mumbai, UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2012-01
Xuan, Yiguang Increasing the Flow Capacity of Signalized Intersections with Pre-signals: Theory and Case Study, UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2011-09
Smart, Michael Jon Immigrant Ethnic Neighborhoods, Inward Focus, and Travel Mode Choice, UC Los Angeles, UCTC-DISS-2011-08
Morris, Eric Andrew Access and Outcomes: Transportation, Location, and Subjective Well-Being, UC Los Angeles, UCTC DISS-2011-07
Pultar, Edward The Role of Geography in Social Networks: CouchSurfing as a Case Study, UC Santa Barbara, UCTC-DISS-2011-06
Pingel, Thomas James Strategic Elements of Route Choice, UC Santa Barbara, UCTC-DISS-2011-05
Gonzales, Eric Justin Allocation of Space and the Costs of Multimodal Transport in Cities UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2011-04
Chen, Anning Reliable GPS Integer Ambiguity Resolution UC Riverside, UCTC-DISS-2011-03
Jintanakul, Klayut Dynamic Demand Input Preparation for Planning Applications UC Irvine, UCTC-DISS-2011-02
Schneider, Robert James Understanding Sustainable Transportation Choices: Shifting Routine Automobile Travel to Walking and Bicycling UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2011-01
Grembek, Offer User adaptation to injury protection systems: its effect on fatalities, and possible causes UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2010-08
Ryerson, Megan Smirti Optimal Intercity Transportation Services with Heterogeneous Demand and Variable Fuel Price UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2010-07
Williams, Brett David Commercializing Light-Duty Plug-In/Plug-Out Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell Vehicles: "Mobile Electricity" Technologies, Early California Household Markets, and Innovation Management UC Davis, UCTC-DISS-2010-06
Wang, Jiana-Fu Operational Strategies for Single-Stage Crossdocks UC Irvine, UCTC-DISS-2010-05
Andrews, Carolyn Ann Road Safety in the Context of Urban Development in Sweden and California UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2010-04
Barrett, James, The Impact of Transportation Infrastructure on the Value of Time UC Davis, UCTC-DISS-2010-03
Murakami, Jin, The Transit-Oriented Global Centers for Competitiveness and Livability: State Strategies and Market Responses in Asia UC Berkeley, UCTC-DISS-2010-02
So, Stella Kin-Mang, Managing City Evacuations UC Berkeley, 2010 UCTC-DISS-2010-01
166 Sciara, Gian-Claudia Planners and the Pork Barrel: Metropolitan Engagement in and Resistance to Congressional Transportation Earmarking UC Berkeley, 2009
165 Pilachowski, Joshua Michael An Approach to Reducing Bus Bunching UC Berkeley, 2009
164 Martin, Elliot William New Vehicle Choice, Fuel Economy and Vehicle Incentives: An Analysis of Hybrid Tax Credits and the Gasoline Tax UC Berkeley, 2009
163 King, David Andrew Exploring the Localization of Transportation Planning: Essays on research and policy implications from shifting goals in transportation planning UC Los Angeles, 2009
162 Kim, Chun Kon Essays on Urban Transportation and Transportation Energy Policy UC Irvine, 2008
161 Tok, Yeow Chern Andre Commercial Vehicle Classification System using Advanced Inductive Loop Technology UC Irvine, 2008
160 Hartman, John Lawrence Essays on Congestion Economics UC Santa Barbara, 2008
159 Apivatanagul, Pruttipong Network Design Formulations, Modeling, and Solution Algorithms for Goods Movement Strategic Planning UC Irvine, 2008
158 Burbidge, Shaunna Kay Evaluating the Impact of Neighborhood Trail Development on Active Travel Behavior and Overall Physical Activity UC Santa Barbara, 2008
157 Kim, Hee-Kyung Activity-Based Travel Demand Model with Time-use and Microsimulation incorporating Intra-household Interactions UC Irvine, 2008
156 Nuernberger, Andrea, Presenting Accessibility to Mobility-Impaired Travelers UC Santa Barbara, 2009
155 Sangkapichai, Mana Transportation and the Environment: Essays on Technology, Infrastructure, and Policy UC Irvine, 2009
154 Zhang, Yu Real-time Inter-modal Strategies for Airline Schedule Perturbation Recovery and Airport Congestion Mitigation under Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) UC Berkeley 2008
153 Joh, Kenneth "Unraveling the Complexity of Land Use and Travel Behavior Relationships: A Four-Part Quantitative Case Study of the South Bay Area of Los Angeles" UC Irvine 2009
152 Dong, Wenjie "Self-Organizing and Optimal Control for Nonlinear Systems" UC Riverside 2009
151 Yeo, Hwasoo "Asymmetric Microscopic Driving Behavior Theory" UC Berkeley 2008
150 Park, Sungjin "Defining, Measuring, and Evaluating Path Walkability, and Testing Its Impacts on Transit Users' Mode Choice and Walking Distance to the Station" UC Berkeley 2008
149 Rubin, Elihu James "Insuring the City: The Prudential Center and the Reshaping of Boston" UC Berkeley 2009
148 Zhu, Weihua "Design and Development of Novel Routing Methodologies for Dynamic Roadway Navigation Systems " UCR 2009
147 Cao, Meng "Mobile and Stationary Computer Vision based Traffic Surveillance Techniques for Advanced ITS Applications " UCR 2009
146 Geroliminis, Nikolaos "Increasing Mobility in Cities by Controlling Overcrowding" UC Berkeley 2007
145 Ory, David Terrance "Structural Equation Modeling of Relative Desired Travel Amounts" UC Davis 2007
144 Xu, Huaying "Decentralized Traffic Information System Design Based on Inter-Vehicle Communication" UCR 2006
143 Collantes, Gustavo Oscar "The California Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate: A Study of the Policy Process, 1990-2004" UC Davis 2006
142 Nandiraju, Srinivas "Strategic Freight Transportation Contract Procurement" UC Irvine 2006
141 Chalermpong, Saksith "Economic Spillovers of Highway Investment: A Case Study of the Employment Impacts of Interstate 105 in Los Angeles County" UC Irvine 2002
140 Jeng, Shin-Ting "Real-time Vehicle Reidentification System for Freeway Performance Measurements" UC Irvine 2007
139 Goldsberry, Kirk Patrick "Real-Time Traffic Maps" UCSB 2007
138 Flamm, Bradley John "Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Attitudes, and Vehicle Ownership and Use" UC Berkeley 2006
137 Lu, Qing "Investigation of Conditions for Moisture Damage in Asphalt Concrete and Appropriate Laboratory Test Methods" UC Berkeley 2005
136 Cao, Xinyu "The Causal Relationship between the Built Environment and Personal Travel Choice: Evidence from Northern California" UC Davis 2006
135 Goodchild, Anne Victoria "Crane Double Cycling in Container Ports: Algorithms, Evaluation, and Planning" UC Berkeley 2005
134 Nuworsoo, Cornelius Kofi "Deep Discount Group Pass Programs as Instruments for Increasing Transit Revenue and Ridership" UC Berkeley 2004
133 Marshall, Julian David "Inhalation of Vehicle Emissions in Urban Environments" UC Berkeley 2005
132 Hrushowy, Neil James Christopher "A Case Study of Pedestrian Space Networks in Two Traditional Urban Neighbourhoods, Copenhagen, Denmark" UC Berkeley 2006
131 Cheon, SangHyun "World Port Institutions and Productivity: Roles of Ownership, Corporate Structure, and Inter-port Competition" UC Berkeley 2007
130 Frick, Karen Trapenberg "The Making and Un-Making of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge: A Case in Megaproject Planning and Decisionmaking" UC Berkeley 2005
129 Ferrell, Christopher Erin "The Effects of Teleshopping on Travel Behavior and Urban Form" UC Berkeley 2005
128 Barton, Joseph Edward "Dynamic Estimation of Oncoming Vehicle Range and Range Rate: An Assessment of the Human Visual System's Capabilities and Performance" UC Berkeley 2004
127 Lago, Alejandro "Spatial Models of Morning Commute Consistent with Realistic Traffic Behavior" UC Berkeley 2003
126 Rivasplata, Charles Richard "An Analysis of the Impacts of British Transport Reforms on Transit Integration in the Metropolitan Areas" UC Davis 2006
125 Robelin, Charles-Antoine "Facility-Level and System-Level Stochastic Optimization of Bridge Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Using History-Dependent Models" UC Berkeley 2006
124 Kuhn, Kenneth David "Uncertainty in Infrastructure Deterioration Modeling and Robust Maintenance Policies for Markovian Management Systems" UC Berkeley 2006
123 Facanha, Cristiano "Life-cycle Air Emissions Inventory of Freight Transportation in the United States" UC Berkeley 2006
122 Kim, Songju "The Effects of Fixed-Route Transit Service Contracting on Labor" UC Berkeley 2005
121 Salon, Deborah "Cars and the City: An Investigation of Transportation and Residential Location Choices in New York City" UC Davis 2006
120 Zhou, Jianyu (Jack) "Empirical Tracking and Analysis of the Dynamics in Activity Scheduling and Schedule Execution" UCSB 2006
119 Owens, Peter Marshall "Beyond Density: Measuring Neighborhood Form in New England’s Upper Connecticut River Valley" UC Berkeley 2005
118 McDonald, Noreen C. "Children’s Travel: Patterns and Influences" UC Berkeley 2005
117 Steimetz, Seiji Sudhana Carl "New Methods for Modeling and Estimating the Social Costs of Motor Vehicle Use" UC Irvine 2004
116 Huang, Yuanlin "Transportation And The Location of Interactive Activities" UC Berkeley 1995
115 Sogutlugil, Mihriban "Examining the Effects of Variability in Average Link Speeds on Estimated Mobile Source Emissions and Air Quality" UC Davis 2005
114 Green, Andrew Dennis "Life in the Fast Lane: Transportation Finance and the Local Option Sales Tax" UCR 2005
113 Goldman, Todd Mitchel "Local Option Taxes and the New Subregionalism in Transportation Planning" UC Berkeley 2005
112 Choo, Sangho "Aggregate Relationships between Telecommunications and Travel: Structural Equation Modeling of Time Series Data" UC Davis 2003
111 Dyble, Amy Louise Nelson "Paying the Toll: A Political History of the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District, 1923-1971" UC Berkeley
110 Cortés, Cristián Eduardo "High Coverage Point to Point Transit (HCPPT): A New Design Concept and Simulation-Evaluation of Operational Schemes" UC Irvine 2003
109 Brown, Jeffrey Richard "The Numbers Game: The Politics of the Federal Surface Transportation Program" UCLA 2003
108 Golub, Aaron David "Welfare Analysis of Informal Transit Services in Brazil and the Effects of Regulation" UC Berkeley 2003
107 McMillan, Tracy Elizabeth "Walking and Urban Form: Modeling and Testing Parental Decisions about Children’s Travel" UC Irvine 2003
106 Brinkman, P. Anthony "The Ethical Challenges and Professional Responses of Travel Demand Forecasters" UC Berkeley 2003
105 Muñoz, Juan Carlos "Driver-Shift Design for Single-Hub Transit Systems under Uncertainty" UC Berkeley 2002
104 Bedsworth, Louise Wells "Expertise and Uncertainty in Environmental Regulation: An Analysis of California's Smog Check Program" UC Berkeley 2002
103 Hall, Peter Voss "The Institution of Infrastructure and the Development of Port-Regions" UC Berkeley 2002
102 Koskenoja, Pia Maria K. "The Effect of Unreliable Commuting Time on Commuter Preferences" UC Irvine 2002
101 Wei, Wann-Ming "A Network Traffic Control Algorithm with Analytically Embedded Traffic Flow Models" UC Irvine 2002
100 Weinberger, Rachel "Effect of Transportation Infrastructure on Proximate Commercial Property Values: A Hedonic Price Model" UC Berkeley 2002
99 Wang, Xiubin "Algorithms and Strategies for Dynamic Carrier Fleet Operations: Applications to Local Trucking Operations" UC Irvine 2001
98 Wang, Ruey-Min "An Activity-Based Trip Generation Model" UC Irvine 1996 97 Scott, Lauren Margaret "The Accessible City: Employment Opportunities in Time and Space" UCSB 199996 Sarmiento, Sharon Maria S. "Studies in Transportation and Residential Mobility" UC Irvine 1995
95 Sandeen, Beverly Ann "Transportation Experiences of Suburban Older Adults: Implications of the Loss of Driver's License for Psychological Well-Being, Health, and Mobility" UC Irvine 1997
94 Ryan, Sherry "The Value of Access to Highways and Light Rail Transit: Evidence for Industrial and Office Firms" UC Irvine 1997
93 Ren, Weiping "A Vehicle Transactions Choice Model for Use in Forecasting Vehicle Demand for Alternative-Fuel Vehicles Conditioned on Current Vehicle Holdings" UC Irvine 1995
92 Marca, James "Activity-Based Travel Analysis in the Wireless Information Age" UC Irvine 2002
91 Lu, Xiangwen "Dynamic and Stochastic Routing Optimization: Algorithm Development and Analysis" UC Irvine 2001
90 Logi, Filippo "CARTESIUS: A Cooperative Approach To Real-Time Decision Support for Multijurisdictional Traffic Congestion Management" UC Irvine 1999
89 Leonard, John D. II "Analysis of Large Truck Crashes on Freeway-to-Freeway Connectors" UC Irvine 1991
88 Lee, Ming-Sheng "Experiments with a Computerized, Self-Administrative Activity Survey" UC Irvine 2001
87 Kulkarni, Anup Arvind "Modeling Activity Pattern Generation and Execution" UC Irvine 2002
86 Khanal, Mandar "Dynamic Discrete Demand Modeling of Commuter Behavior" UC Irvine 1994
85 Kang, Seungmin "A Traffic Movement Identification Scheme Based on Catastrophe Theory and Development of Traffic Microsimulation Model for Catastrophe in Traffic" UC Irvine
84 Zhang, Ming "Modeling Land Use Change in the Boston Metropolitan Region (Massachusetts)" UC Berkeley 2000
83 Crepeau, Richard Joseph "Mobility and the Metropolis: Issues of Travel and Land Use in Urban America" UC Irvine 1995
82 Abdulhai, Baher "A Neuro-Genetic-Based Universally Transferable Freeway Incident Detection Framework" UC Irvine 1996
81 Sheng, Hongyan "A Dynamic Household Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Demand Model Using Stated and Revealed Transaction Information" UC Irvine 1999
80 Khan, Sarosh Islam "Modular Neural Network Architecture for Detection of Operational Problems on Urban Arterials" UC Irvine 1995
79 Yan, Jia "Heterogeneity in Motorists' Preferences for Time Travel and Time Reliability: Empirical Findings from Multiple Survey Data Sets and Its Policy Implications" UC Irvine 2002
78 Chen, Chienho "An Activity-Based Approach to Accessibility" UC Irvine 1996
77 de Tilière, Guillaume "Managing Projects with Strong Technological Rupture - Case of High-Speed Ground Transportation" SFITS 2002
76 Crane, Soheila Soltani "An Empirical Study of Alternative Fuel Vehicle Choice by Commercial Fleets: Lessons in Transportation Choices, and Public Agencies' Organization" UC Irvine 1996
75 Compin, Nicholas Shawn "The Four Dimensions of Rail Transit Performance: How Administration, Finance, Demographics, and Politics Affect Outcomes" UC Irvine 1999
74 Weinstein, Asha Elizabeth "The Congestion Evil: Perceptions of Traffic Congestion in Boston in the 1890s and 1920s" UC Berkeley 2002
73 Nicosia, Nancy "Essays on Competitive Contracting: An Application to the Mass Transit Industry" UC Berkeley 2002
72 Marston, James Robert "Towards an Accessible City: Empirical Measurement and Modeling of Access to Urban Opportunities for those with Vision Impairments, Using Remote Infrared Audible Signage" UCSB 2002
71 Yang, Chun-Zin "Assessing Motor Carrier Driving Risk Using Time-Dependent Survival Models with Multiple Stop Effects" UC Davis 1994
70 Singer, Brett Craig "A Fuel-Based Approach to Estimating Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emissions" UC Berkeley 1998
69 Rodier, Caroline Jane "Uncertainty in Travel and Emissions Models : A Case Study in the Sacramento Region" UC Davis 2000
68 Washington, Simon "Estimation of a Vehicular Carbon Monoxide Modal Emissions Model and Assessment of an Intelligent Transportation Technology" UC Davis 1994
67 Meng, Yu "A New Statistical Framework for Estimating Carbon Monoxide Impacts at Intersections" UC Davis 1998
66 Prozzi, Jorge Alberto "Modeling Pavement Performance by Combining Field and Experimental Data" UC Berkeley 2001
65 Lamont, Juliet Anne "Where Do People Walk? The Impacts of Urban Form on Travel Behavior and Neighborhood Livability" UC Berkeley 2001
64 Mattingly, Stephen Peter "Decision Theory for Performance Evaluation of New Technologies Incorporating Institutional Issues: Application to Traffic Control Implementation" UC Irvine 2000
63 Kawamura, Kazuya "Commercial Vehicle Value of Time and Perceived Benefits of Congestion Pricing" UC Berkeley 1999
62 Bagley, Michael Norman "Incorporating Residential Choice into Travel Behavior-Land Use Interaction Research: A Conceptual Model with Methodologies for Investigating Casual Relationships" UC Davis 1999
61 Chen, Quizi "An Exploration of Activity Scheduling and Rescheduling Processes" UC Davis 2001
60 Mauch, Michael "Analyses of Start-Stop Waves in Congested Freeway Traffic" UC Berkeley 2002
59 Lin, Jie "A Markov Process Approach to Driving Cycle Development" UC Davis 2002
58 Hess, Daniel Baldwin "Reconciling Incompatible Zone Systems in Metropolitan Planning" UCLA 2002
57 Smilowitz, Karen Renee "Design and Operation of Multimode, Multiservice Logistics Systems" UC Berkeley 2001
56 Greenwald, Michael Joseph "The Road Less Traveled: Land Use and Non-Work Travel Relationships in Portland, Oregon" UC Irvine 2001
55 Kim, Eugene J. "HOT Lanes: An Evolution of Costs, Benefits and Performance" UCLA 2000
54 Dill, Jennifer Lynn "Travel Behavior and Older Vehicles: Implications for Air Quality and Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Programs" UC Berkeley 2001
53 Ghosh, Arindam "Valuing Time and Reliability: Commuters' Mode Choice from a Real Time Congestion Pricing Experiment" UC Irvine 2001
52 Long, Fenella Margaret "Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Concrete Pavements: A Nonlinear Viscoelastic Approach to Mix Analyses and Design" UC Berkeley 2001
51 Bertini, Robert Lawrence "Time-Dependent Traffic Flow Features at a Freeway Bottleneck Downstream of a Merge" UC Berkeley 1999
50 Shirley, Chad Lynn McCauley "Firm Inventory Behavior and the Returns from Infrastructure Investment" UC Berkeley 2000