1988-1990 (numbers 1-152)
UCTC faculty have published nearly 900 papers since the center's founding. Because the files are so large, we have broken them into chronological chunks.
Below are the papers from 1990 back through the first paper, published in 1988 (paper numbers going back from 152.) Additional files can be found on the sidebar.At times, a paper was not published on the UCTC site until some time after it first appeared. If you don't find it in the year you expect, try searching by author, using the UCTC site search box above.
Bennett, Anna K. and David D. Little Studies on the Loma Prieta Earthquake, No. 2 Executive Summary 1990 153
Bennett, Anna K. and David D. Little Studies on the Loma Prieta Earthquake, No. 2 1990 152
Hansen, Mark and Jacob Sutter The Shake with Freight: The Impact of the Loma Prieta Earthquake on Bay Area Truckers, Studies on the Loma Prieta Earthquake, No. 1 1990 151
O'Regan, Katherine M. Space and Poverty: The Effect of Concentrated Poverty 1994 150
Harsman, Bjorn and John M. Quigley The Spatial Segregation of Ethnic and Demographic Groups: Comparative Evidence from Stockholm and San Francisco 1993 149
Adler, Jeffrey L., Wilfred W. Recker and Michael G. McNally In-Laboratory Experiments to Analyze Enroute Driver Behavior Under ATIS 1993 148
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. and Ilan Salomon Modeling the Choice of Telecommuting: Setting the Context 1994 147
Sperling, Daniel Gearing Up for Electric Cars 1995, Fall 146
Uhlaner, Carole J. and Seyoung Kim Designing and Implementing a Panel Study of Commuter Behavior: Lessons for Future Research 1993 145
Kim, Seyoung After the Resolution: Excess Commuting for Two-Worker Households in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area 1993 144
Burns, Elizabeth K. Linking Geographic Information Systems and Trip Reduction: Success and Failure in a Pilot Application 1993 143
McNally, Michael G. and Sherry Ryan A Comparative Assessment of Travel Characteristics for Neotraditional Developments 1993 142
McNally, Michael G. and Sherry Ryan Accessibility of Neotraditional Neighborhoods: A Review of Design Concepts, Policies, and Recent Literature 1993 141
Shoup, Donald C. Cashing Out Employer-Paid Parking 1994 140
Willson, Richard W. Estimating the Travel and Parking Demand Effects of Employer-Paid Parking 1994 139
Shaw, Peter L. Surface Transportation Policy and Seaports Final Report 1992 138
Parker, John K. The Consolidated Transportation Corridor: Surface Access to the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles Final Report 1992 137
Lave, Charles The Demand Curve Under Road-Pricing and the Problem of Political Feasibility 1992 136
Cervero, Robert Land Market Impacts of Urban Rail Transit and Joint Development: An Empirical Study of Rail Transit in Washington, D.C. and Atlanta 1992 135
Fielding Gordon J. and Daniel B. Klein How to Franchise Highways 1994 134
Giuliano, Genevieve Is Jobs-Housing Balance a Transportation Issue? 1992 133
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. An Empirical Evaluation of the Travel Impacts of Teleconferencing 1992 132
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. An Empirical Analysis of the Transportation Impacts of Telecommuting 1992 131
Turrentine, Thomas, Martin Lee-Gosselin, Kenneth Kurani, and Daniel Sperling A Study of Adaptive and Optimizing Behavior for Electric Vehicles Based on Interactive Simulation Games and Revealed Behavior of Electric Vehicle Owners 1992 130
Turrentine, Thomas and Daniel Sperling Theories of New Technology Purchase Decisions: The Case of Alternative Fuel Vehicles 1992 129
O'Regan, Katherine M. and John M. Quigley Family Networks and Youth Access to Jobs 1992 128
Adler, Jeffrey L., Wilfred W. Recker and Michael G. McNally A Conflict Model and Interactive Simulator (FASTCARS) for Predicting Enroute Driver Behavior in Response to Real-Time Traffic Condition Information 1992 127
Adler, Jeffrey L., Wilfred W. Recker and Michael G. McNally Using Interactive Simulation to Model Driver Behavior Under ATIS 1992 126
Yim, Youngbin Shopping Trips and Spatial Distribution of Food Stores 1994 125
Yim, Youngbin Travel Distance and Market Size in Food Retailing 1992 124
De Vany, Arthur and W. David Walls When Barriers to Markets Fall: Pipeline Deregulation, Spot Markets, and the Topology of the Natural Gas Market 1992 123
Walls, W. David Competition in a Network of Markets: The Natural Gas Industry 1992 122
Baer, Christopher T., Daniel B. Klein and John Majewski From Trunk to Branch: Toll Roads in New York, 1800-1860 1992 121
Shoup, Donald C. and Richard W. Willson Commuting, Congestion and Pollution: The Employer-Paid Parking Connection 1992 120
Shoup, Donald C. and Richard W. Willson Employer-Paid Parking: The Problem and Proposed Solutions 1992 119
Klein, Daniel B. and Gordon J. Fielding Private Toll Roads: Learning from the 19th Century 1992 118
Song, Shunfeng Spatial Structure and Urban Commuting 1992 117
Shaw, Peter L. Seaport-Surface Transportation Access and Urban Transportation Congestion 1993 116
Sands, Brian D. The Development Effects of High-Speed Rail Stations and Implications for California Calspeed Series 1994 115
Barnett, Roger British Rail's InterCity 125 and 225, CalSpeed Series 1993 114
Barnett, Roger Tilting Trains: The Italian ETR and the Swedish X-2000, CalSpeed Series 1992 113
Yim, Youngbin The Effects of Transportation Services on the Scale of Food Retailing 1992 112
Pendyala, Ram M., Konstadinos G. Goulias and Ryuichi Kitamura Impact of Telecommuting on Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Household Travel 1992 111
Webber, Melvin M. The Joys of Automobility 1992 110
Wang, Quanlu, Catherine Kling and Daniel Sperling Marketable Credits for Light-Duty Vehicle Emission Control in California 1992 109
Cervero, Robert Accessibility and Third World Rural Development: A Case Study of Sumatra 1992 108
Giuliano, Genevieve and Kenneth A. Small Is the Journey to Work Explained by Urban Structure? 1992 107
Hall, Randolph W. Pickup and Delivery Systems for Overnight Carriers 1992 106
Hall, Peter, Daniel Leavitt and Erin Vaca High-Speed Trains for California. Volume II: Detailed Segment Descriptions, Cost Estimates, and Travel Time Calculations, CalSpeed Series 1992 105
Hall, Peter, Daniel Leavitt and Erin Vaca High-Speed Trains for California. Strategic Choice: Comparisons of Technologies and Choice of Route, CalSpeed Series 1992 104
Taniguchi, Mamoru High Speed Rail in Japan: A Review and Evaluation of the Shinkansen Train, CalSpeed Series 1992 103
Taniguchi, Mamoru High Speed Rail in Japan: A Review and Evaluation of Magnetic Levitation Trains, CalSpeed Series 1992 102
Sands, Brian D. InterCity Express: A Technical and Commercial Assessment, CalSpeed Series 1992 101
Streeter, Walter C. The French Train ˆ Grande Vitesse: Focusing on the TGV-Atlantique, CalSpeed Series 1992 100
Wachs, Martin and Genevieve Giuliano Employee Transportation Coordinators: A New Profession in Southern California 1992 99
Washington, Simon P. and Randall Guensler Modeling Air Quality for Conformity, Current Deficiencies, and New Directions 1995, Fall 98
Yi, Kyongsu, Margaret Wargelin and J.K. Hedrick Dynamic Tire Force Control by Semi-Active Suspensions 1992 97
Goulias, Konstadinos G. and Ryuichi Kitamura Analysis of Binary Choice Frequencies with Limit Cases: Comparison of Alternative Estimation Methods and Application to Weekly Household Mode Choice 1992 96
Goulias, Konstadinos G. A Dynamic Microsimulator for Travel Demand Forecasting 1992 95
Goulias, Konstadinos G. Forecasting the Impact of Sociodemographic Changes on Travel Demand: Experiments with a Dynamic Microsimulation Model System 1992 94
Brownstone, David and Thomas F. Golob The Effectiveness of Ridesharing Incentives: Discrete-Choice Models of Commuting in Southern California 1992 93
Cervero, Robert Profiling Profitable Bus Routes 1992 92
Cervero, Robert Land Uses and Travel at Suburban Activity Centers 1992 91
Cervero, Robert Paratransit in Southeast Asia: A Market Reponse to Poor Roads? 1992 90
Prosser, Neil A. and Stephen G. Ritchie Real-Time Knowledge-Based Integration of Freeway Surveillance Data 1992 89
Ritchie, Stephen G. and Neil A. Prosser A Real-Time Expert System Approach to Freeway Incident Management 1992 88
Small, Kenneth A. and Shunfeng Song Wasteful Commuting: A Resolution 1992 87
Giuliano, Genevieve and Martin Wachs Responding to Congestion and Traffic Growth: Transportation Demand Management 1991 86
Boarnet, Marlon G. Highways and Intrametropolitan Employment Growth 1995, Fall 85
O'Regan, Katherine M. and John M. Quigley Labor Market Access and Labor Market Outcomes for Urban Youth 1991 84
Cervero, Robert and John Landis Suburbanization of Jobs and the Journey to Work 1991 83
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. A Typology of Relationships Between Telecommunications and Transportation 1990 82
Burns, Elizabeth K. Arizona's Metropolitan Travel Reduction Programs 1992 81
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. Defining Telecommuting 1992 80
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. Telecommuting and Travel: State of the Practice, State of the Art 1991 79
Sampath, Srikanth, Somitra Saxena and Patricia L. Mokhtarian The Effectiveness of Telecommuting as a Transportation Control Measure 1991 78
Novaco, Raymond W., Wendy Kliewer and Alexander Broquet Home Environment Consequences of Commute Travel Impedance 1991 77
Klein, Daniel B. and John Majewski Economy, Community and Law: The Turnpike Movement in New York, 1797-1845 1991 76
Klein, Daniel B. and John Majewski Promoters and Investors in Antebellum America: The Spread of Plank Road Fever 1991 75
Guensler, Randall Data Needs for Evolving Motor Vehicle Emission Modeling Approaches 1995, Fall 74
Jovanis, Paul P., Tetsuya Kaneko and Tzuoo-Din Lin Exploratory Analysis of Motor Carrier Accident Risk and Daily Driving Patterns 1991 73
Goulias, Konstadinos G. and Ram Pendyala Innovations in Transportation: The Case of Telecommuting 1991 72
Bunch, David S. Estimability in the Multinomial Probit Model 1991 71
Bunch, David S. and Ryuichi Kitamura Probit Model Estimation Revisited: Trinomial Models of Household Car Ownership 1991 70
Lave, Charles and Patrick Elias Did the 65 Mph Speed Limit Save Lives? (revised) 1995 69
Kitamura, Ryuichi Panel Analysis in Transportation Planning: An Overview 1990 68
Burns, Elizabeth K. Vance's Commuting Analysis Extended to the Suburban Southwest: Tempe Arizona 1992 67
Deakin, Elizabeth The United States 1993 66
Keeler, Theodore E. Highway Safety, Economic Behavior, and Driving Environment 1994 65
Taylor, Brian D. Unjust Equity: An Examination of California's Transportation Development Act 1991, 1993 64
Hall, Randolph W. Design for Local Area Freight Networks 1991 63
Goulias, Konstadinos G., Ram M. Pendyala and Ryuichi Kitamura A Practical Method for the Estimation of Trip Generation and Trip Chaining 1991 62
Goulias, Konstadinos G., Ram M. Pendyala and Ryuichi Kitamura Updating a Panel Survey Questionnaire 1991 61
Giuliano, Genevieve, Keith Hwang, Diane Perrine, and Martin Wachs Preliminary Evaluation of Regulation XV of the South Coast Air Quality Management District 1991 60
Kaneko, Tetsuya and Paul P. Jovanis Multiday Driving Patterns and Motor Carrier Accident Risk: A Disaggregate Analysis 1991 59
Kitamura, Ryuichi, Jack M. Nilles, Patrick Conroy, and David M. Fleming Telecommuting as a Transportation Planning Measure: Initial Results of California Pilot Project 1991 58
Deakin, Elizabeth Suburban Traffic Congestion, Land Use and Transportation Planning Issues: Public Policy Options 1991 57
Deakin, Elizabeth Toll Roads: A New Direction for U.S. Highways? 1990 56
Deakin, Elizabeth Transportation and Air Quality in California: A Policy Analysis 1991 55
Deakin, Elizabeth Land Use and Transportation Planning in Response to Congestion: The California Experience 1991 54
Deakin, Elizabeth Transportation and Land Use Planning in California: Problems and Opportunities for Improved Performance 1991 53
Kitamura, Ryuichi and David S. Bunch Heterogeneity and State Dependence in Household Car Ownership: A Panel Analysis Using Ordered-Response Probit Models with Error Components 1990 52
Cervero, Robert Congestion, Growth and Public Choices 1991, 1993 51
Cervero, Robert Jobs-Housing Balancing and Regional Mobility 1989 50
Cervero, Robert Suburban Employment Centers: Probing the Influence of Site Features on the Journey-to-Work 1991 49
Monismith, C.L., J. Lysmer, J. Sousa, and J.K. Hedrick Truck Pavement Interactions: Requisite Research 1988 48
Majewksi, John, Christopher T. Baer and Daniel B. Klein Market and Community in Antebellum America: The Plank Roads of New York 1991 47
Hedrick, J.K. and Kyongsu Yi The Effect of Alternative Heavy Truck Suspensions on Flexible Pavement Response 1991 46
Garrison, William L. and Reginald R. Souleyrette II Relations between Transportation and Production 1990 45
Song, Shunfeng The Distribution of Population in a Contemporary Metropolitan Area: The Case of Orange County [A Replication] 1991 44
Hall, Randolph W. and Wei Hua Lin LTL Trucking in Los Angeles: Congestion Relief through Terminal Siting 1990 43
Novaco, Raymond W. Automobile Driving and Aggressive Behavior 1991 42
Wang, Quanlu, Mark A. Delucchi and Daniel Sperling Emission Impacts of Electric Vehicles 1990 41
Goulias, Konstadinos G. and Ryuichi Kitamura Recursive Model System for Trip Generation and Trip Chaining 1993 40
Giuliano, Genevieve and Kenneth A. Small Subcenters in the Los Angeles Region 1990 39
Hwang, Keith and Genevieve Giuliano The Determinants of Ridesharing: Literature Review 1990 38
Brownstone, David Multiple Imputations for Linear Regression Models 1991 37
Shaw, Peter L. New Federal Transportation Financing and Legislative Directions: No New Taxes or $31 Billion a Year? 1991 36
Parker, John K. Meeting Land Transportation Needs of the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles 1992 35
Willson, Richard W. and Donald Shoup Parking Subsidies and Travel Choices: Assessing the Evidence 1990 34
Lave, Charles Things Won't Get a Lot Worse: The Future of U.S. Traffic Congestion 1991 33
Blankson, Charles and Martin Wachs Preliminary Evaluation of the Coastal Transportation Corridor Ordinance in Los Angeles 1990 32
Ritchie, Stephen G. A Knowledge-Based Decision Support Architecture for Advanced Traffic Management 1990 31
Novaco, Raymond W., Daniel Stokols and Louis Milanesi Objective and Subjective Dimensions of Travel Impedance as Determinants of Commuting Stress 1990 30
Willson, Richard W. and Elham Shirazi Transportation Demand Management: Policy Implications of Recent Behavioral Research Symposium Summary 1991 29
Giuliano, Genevieve and Thomas F. Golob Using Longitudinal Methods for Analysis of a Short-Term Transportation Demonstration Project 1990 28
Yi, Kyongsu and J.K. Hedrick Active and Semi-active Heavy Truck Suspensions to Reduce Pavement Damage 1989 27
Golob, Thomas F. The Dynamics of Household Travel Time Expenditures and Car Ownership Decisions 1990 26
Munshi, Kaivan and Edward C. Sullivan A Freight Network Model for Mode and Route Choice 1989 25
Glazer, Amihai and Esko Niskanen Parking Fees, Congestion, and Consumer Welfare 1991 24
Wachs, Martin Transportation Demand Management: Policy Implications of Recent Behavioral Research 1990 23
Burns, Elizabeth K. Improving Traffic Congestion by Regulating Employee Travel: A Phoenix Survey 1991 22
van Wissen, Leo J., Thomas F. Golob and Hank J. Meurs A Simultaneous Dynamic Travel and Activities Time Allocation Model 1991 21
van Wissen, Leo J. and Thomas F. Golob Simultaneous-Equation Systems Involving Binary Choice Variables 1990 20
Ong, Paul Work and Car Ownership Among Welfare Recipients 1995, Fall 19
Klein, Daniel B. The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods? The Turnpike Companies of Early America 1990 18
Golob, Thomas F. and Jacqueline M. Golob Practical Considerations in the Development of a Transit Users Panel 1989 17
Novaco, Raymond W. Aggression on Roadways 1989 16
van Wissen, Leo J. A Model of Household Interactions in Activity Patterns 1991 15
Miller, Vincent P. and John M. Quigley Segregation by Racial and Demographic Group: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area 1990 14
Shaw, Peter L. Setting the State for National Transportation Policy to the Year 2020: The Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 1991 13
Wachs, Martin Regulating Traffic by Controlling Land Use: The Southern California Experience 1990 12
Sperling, Daniel and Mark A. Delucchi Transportation Energy Futures 1989 11
Sperling, Daniel and Mark A. Delucchi Is Methanol the Transportation Fuel of the Future? 1989 10
Meurs, Henk, Leo van Wissen and Jacqueline Visser Measurement Biases in Panel Data 1989 9
Golob, Thomas F. and Leo van Wissen A Joint Household Travel Distance Generation and Car Ownership Model 1989 8
Delucchi, Mark A., Quanlu Wang and Daniel Sperling Electric Vehicles: Performance, Life-Cycle Costs, Emissions, and Recharging Requirements 1989 7
Wang, Quanlu and Mark A. Delucchi Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Primary Energy Consumption and Petroleum Displacement 1991 6
Kitamura, Ryuichi, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Ram M. Pendyala, and Konstadinos G. Goulias An Evaluation of Telecommuting as a Trip Reduction Measure 1991 5
Golob, Thomas F. Structural Equation Modeling of Travel Choice Dynamics 1988 4
Cervero, Robert Land-Use Mixing and Suburban Mobility 1988 3
Giuliano, Genevieve New Directions for Understanding Transportation and Land Use 1989 2
Berechman, J. and Kenneth A. Small Modeling Land Use and Transportation: An Interpretive Review for Growth Areas 1988 1