1996-2000 (numbers 291-447)
UCTC faculty have published nearly 900 papers since the center's founding. Because the files are so large, we have broken them into chronological chunks.
Below are the papers from the 2000 back through 1996 (paper numbers going back from 447 to 291.) Additional files can be found on the sidebar.
At times, a paper was not published on the UCTC site until some time after it first appeared. If you don't find it in the year you expect, try searching by author, using the UCTC site search box above.
Golob, Thomas F., Amelia C. Regan Impacts of Highway Congestion on Freight Operations: Perceptions of Trucking Industry Managers 2000, Fall 447
Recker, Wilfred W. A Bridge between Travel Demand Modeling and Activity-Based Travel Analysis 2000, Fall 446
Recker, Wilfred W. The Household Activity Pattern Problem: General Formulation and Solution 2000, Fall 445
Cervero, Robert Road Supply-Demand Relationships: Sorting Out Causal Linkages 2000, Fall 444
Cervero, Robert The Planned City: Coping With Decentralization: an American Perspective 2000, Fall 443
Recker, W. W. and A. Parimi Development of a Microscopic Activity-Based Framework for Analyzing the Potential Impacts of Transportation Control Measures on Vehicle Emissions 2000, Fall 442
Recker, W. W., C. Chen, and M. G. McNally Measuring the impact of efficient household travel decisions on potential travel time savings and accessibility gains 2000, Fall 441
Golob, Thomas F. Joint Models of Attitudes and Behavior in Evaluation of the San Diego I-15 Congestion Pricing Project 2000, Fall 440
Golob, Thomas F. A Simultaneous Model of Household Activity Participation and Trip Chain Generation 2000, Fall 439
Regan, Amelia C. and Thomas F. Golob Trucking Industry Perceptions of Congestion Problems and Potential Solutions in Maritime Intermodal Operations in California 2000, Fall 438
Regan, Amelia C. and Thomas F. Golob Freight Operators’ Perceptions of Congestion Problems and the Application of Advanced Technologies: Results from a 1998 Survey of 1200 Companies Operating in California 2000, Fall 437
Cervero, Robert Transport and Land Use: Key Issues in Metropolitan Planning and Smart Growth 2000, Fall 436
Cervero, Robert, Onésimo Sandoval, and John Landis Transportation as a Stimulus to Welfare-to-Work: Private Versus Public Mobility 2000, Fall 435
Deakin, Elizabeth, Greig Harvey, Randall Pozdena, Geoffrey Yarema Transportation Pricing Strategies for California: An Assessment of Congestion, Emissions, Energy. And Equity Impacts 2000, Fall 434
Rodier, Caroline J. and Robert A. Johnston Travel, Emissions, and Welfare Effects of Travel Demand Management Measures 2000, Fall 433
Rodier, Caroline J. and Robert A. Johnston Method of Obtaining Consumer Welfare from Regional Travel Demand Models 2000, Fall 432
Johnston, Robert A. and Raju Ceerla Travel Modeling With and Without Feedback to Trip Distribution 2000, Fall 431
Johnston, Robert A. and Caroline J. Rodier Regional Simulations of Highway and Transit ITS: Travel, Emissions, and Economic Welfare Effects 2000, Fall 430
Johnston, Robert A. and Raju Ceerla The Effects of New High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes on Travel and Emission 2000, Fall 429
Johnston, Robert A. and Raju Ceerla Systems-Level Evaluation of Automated Urban Freeways 2000, Fall 428
Johnston, Robert A. and Dorriah L. Page Automating Urban Freeways: Financial Analysis for User Groups 2000, Fall 427
Boarnet, Marlon G. and Saksith Chalermpong New Highways, Urban Development, and Induced Travel 2000, Fall 426
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, and Tridib Banerjee The Blue Line Blues: Why the Vision of Transit Village May Not Materialize Despite Impressive Growth in Transit Ridership 2000, Fall 425
Cervero, Robert and John Beutler Adaptive Transit: Enhancing Suburban Transit Services 2000, Fall 424
Marston, James R. and Reginald G. Golledge Towards an Accessible City: Removing Functional Barriers for the Blind and Vision Impaired: A Case for Auditory Signs 2000, Fall 423
Rodier, Caroline J., and Robert A. Johnston A Comparison of High Occupancy Vehicle, High Occupancy Toll, and Truck-Only Lanes in the Sacramento Region 2000, Fall 422
Brodrick, Christie-Joy, Daniel Sperling, and Christopher Weaver Multiple Smoke Opacity Measurements as Indicators of Particulate Emissions for Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs 2000, Fall 421
Brown, Jeffrey, Daniel Hess, and Donald Shoup Unlimited Access 2000, Fall 420
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, Robbin Liggett, Hiro Iseki, and William Thurlow Measuring the Effects of Built Environment on Bus Stop Crime 2000, Spring 419
Johnston, Robert A., Mark A. DeLuchi Evaluation Methods for Rail Transit Projects 2000, Spring 418
Johnston, Robert A., Daniel Sperling, Mark A. DeLuchi, Steve Tracy Politics and Technical Uncertainty in Transportation Investment Analysis 2000, Spring 417
Johnston, Robert A., Mark A. Deluchi, Daniel Sperling, and Paul P. Craig Automating Urban Freeways: Policy Research Agenda 2000, Spring 416
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. and Dennis Henderson Analyzing the Travel Behavior of Home-Based Workers in the 1991 CALTRANS Statewide Travel Survey 2000, Spring 415
Dill, Jennifer, Todd Goldman, and Martin Wachs The Incidence of the California Vehicle License Fee 2000, Spring 414
Kirchstetter, Thomas, Brett Singer, and Robert Harley Impact of California Reformulated Gasoline on Motor Vehicle Emissions. 2. Volatile Organic Compound Speciation and Reactivity 2000, Spring 413
Kwan, Mei-Po, Reginald G. Golledge, and Jon M. Speigle A Review of Object-Oriented Approaches in Geographical Information Systems for Transportation Modeling 2000, Spring 412
Kirchstetter, Thomas W., Brett C. Singer, Robert A. Harley Impact of California Reformulated Gasoline On Motor Vehicle Emissions. 1. Mass Emission Rates 2000, Spring 411
Kanafani, Adib and Mark Hansen Hubbing and Airline Costs 1999, Winter 410
Kwan, Mei-Po, Jon M. Speigle, and Reginald G. Colledge Developing an Object-Oriented Testbed for Modeling Transportation Networks 1999, Winter 409
Hansen, Mark and Adib Kanafani Hubbing and Rehubbing at JFK International Airport - The ALIGATER Model 1999, Winter 408
Gillen, David W., Mark Hansen, and Robson Ramos Free Trade in Airline Services: Accessing the Proposals to Liberalize the Canada - U.S. Air Transport Bilateral 1999, Winter 407
Vetrovsky, Dan and Adib Kanafani The Potential Role of Airports as Intermodal Terminals: Lessons from International and Domestic Experiences 1999, Winter 406
Youssef, Waleed and Mark Hansen The Consequences of Strategic Alliances Between International Airlines: The Case of Swissair and SAS 1999, Winter 405
Hansen, Mark and Qiang Du Modeling Multiple Airport Systems: A Positive Feedback Approach 1999, Winter 404
Maillebiau, Eric and Mark Hansen Demand and Consumer Welfare Impacts of International Airline Liberalization: The Case of the North Atlantic 1999, Winter 403
Hansen, Mark and Adib Kanafani International Airline Hubbing in a Competitive Environment 1998, Winter 402
Gosling, Geoffrey D. and Mark M. Hansen Practicality of Screening International Checked Baggage for U.S. Airlines 1999, Winter 401
Kiesling, Max K. and Mark Hansen Integrated Air Freight Cost Structure: The Case of Federal Express 1999, Winter 400
Rhoades, Krista, Shomik Mehndiratta, and Mark Hansen Airlines and Airport Ground Access: Current Arrangements and Future Opportunities 1999, Winter 399
Hansen, Mark, David Gillen, Allison Dobbins, Yuanlin Huang, and Mohnish Puvathingal The Air Quality Impacts of Urban Highway Capacity Expansion: Traffic Generation and Land Use Change 1999, Winter 398
Kanafani, Adib Methodology for Mode Selection in Corridor Analysis of Freight Transportation 1999, Winter 397
Malchow, Matthew, Adib Kanafani and Pravin Varaiya Modeling the Behavior of Traffic Information Providers 1999, Winter 396
Kanafani, Adib, Asad Khattak, Melanie Crotty, and Joy Dahlgren A Planning Methodology for Intelligent Urban Transportation Systems 1999, Winter 395
Malchow, Matthew, Adib Kanafani and Pravin Varaiya The Economics of Traffic Information: A State-of-the-Art Report 1999, Winter 393
Hansen, Mark, Mohammad Qureshi and Daniel Rydzewski Improving Transit Performance with Advanced Public Transportation System Technologies 1999, Winter 392
Small, Kenneth and José A. Gomez-Ibañez Road Pricing for Congestion Management: The Transition from Theory to Policy 1999, Winter 391
Chan, Shirley, Matthew Malchow, and Adib Kanafani An Exploration of the Market for Traffic Information 1999, Winter 390
Blumenberg, Evelyn, Steven Moga, and Paul M. Ong Getting Welfare Recipients to Work: Transportation and Welfare Reform 1998, Fall 389
de Castilho, Bernardo High-Throughput Intermodal Container Terminals: Technical and Economic Analysis of a New Direct-Transfer System 1998, Fall 388
Cervero, Robert and Jonathan Mason Transportation in Developing Countries: Conference Proceedings 1998, Fall 387
Taylor, Brian D. and Paul M. Ong Spatial Mismatch or Automobile Mismatch? An Examination of Race, Residence and Commuting in US Metropolitan Areas 1998, Fall 386
Taylor, Brian D. Public Perceptions, Fiscal Realities, and Freeway Planning: The California Case 1998, Fall 385
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia Hot Spots of Bus Stop Crime: The Importance of Environmental Attributes 1998, Fall 384
Mokhtarian, Patricia L., Michael N. Bagley, and Ilan Salomon The Impact of Gender, Occupation, and Presence of Children on Telecommuting Motivations and Constraints 1998, Fall 383
Klein, Daniel B., Adrian Moore, and Binyam Reja Property Rights Transit: The Emerging Paradigm for Urban Transportation 1998, Fall 382
DiMento, Joseph, et al. Court Intervention, the Consent Decree, and the Century Freeway 1998, Fall 381
Jia, Wenyu and Martin Wachs Parking Requirements and Housing Affordability: A Case Study of San Francisco 1998, Fall 380
Small, Kenneth A. Project Evaluation 1998, Fall 379
Hårsman, Björn and John M. Quigley Education, Job Requirements, and Commuting: An Analysis of Network Flows 1998, Fall 378
Shoup, Donald C. Evaluating the Effects of Parking Cash Out: Eight Case Studies 1998, Fall 377
Burke, Andrew F. and Marshall Miller Assessment of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential of Ultra-Clean Hybrid-Electric Vehicles 1998, Fall 376
Johnston, Brian, et al. The Design and Development of the University of California, Davis Future Car 1998, Fall 375
Crane, Randall and Richard Crepeau Does Neighborhood Design Influence Travel? A Behavioral Analysis of Travel Diary and GIS Data 1998, Spring 374
Mokhtarian, Patricia L., Elizabeth A. Raney and Ilan Salomon Behavioral Response to Congestion: Identifying Patterns and Socio-Economic Differences in Adoption 1998, Spring 373
Noland, Robert B. and Kenneth A. Small Simulating Travel Reliability 1998, Spring 372
Jacobs, Allan B., Elizabeth S. Macdonald, Diana Marsh, and Clark Wilson The Uses and Re-uses of Major Urban Arterials: A Study of Recycling, Revitalizing, and Restructuring 'Gray Area' Transportation Corridors 1997, Fall 371
Bagley, Michael N. and Patricia L. Mokhtarian Analyzing the Preference for Non-Exclusive Forms of Telecommuting: Modeling and Policy Implications 1997, Fall 370
Gould, Jane and Thomas F. Golob Shopping Without Travel or Travel Without Shopping? An Investigation of Electronic Home Shopping 1997, Fall 369
Brown, Jeffrey Richard Trapped in the Past: The Gas Tax and Highway Finance 1998, Spring 368
Dreher, David B. and Robert A. Harley A Fuel-Based Inventory for Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Emissions 1997, Fall 367
Cervero, Robert, Timothy Rood, and Bruce Appleyard Job Accessibility as a Performance Indicator: An Analysis of Trends and their Social Policy Implications in the San Francisco Bay Area 1997, Fall 366
McCullough, William Shelton III, Brian D. Taylor, and Martin Wachs Transit Service Contracting and Cost Efficiency 1997, Fall 365
Wachs, Martin and Brian D. Taylor Can Transportation Strategies Help Meet the Welfare Challenge? 1997, Fall 364
Chan, Evelyn, Adib Kanafani, and Thomas Canetti Transportation in the Balance: A Comparative Analysis of Costs, User Revenues, and Subsidies for Highway, Air, and High Speed Rail Systems 1997, Fall 363
O'Regan, Katherine M. and John M. Quigley Accessibility and Economic Opportunity 1998, Spring 362
Golob, Thomas F., Seyoung Kim, and Weiping Ren How Households Use Different Types of Vehicles: A Structural Driver Allocation and Usage Model 1997, Fall 361
Salomon, Ilan and Patricia L. Mokhtarian Coping with Congestion: Understanding the Gap Between Policy Assumptions and Behavior 1997, Fall 360
O'Regan, Katherine M. and John M. Quigley Spatial Effect upon Employment Outcomes: The Case of New Jersey Teenagers 1997, Fall 359
O'Regan, Katherine M. and John M. Quigley Where Youth Live: Economic Effects of Urban Space on Employment Prospects 1997, Fall 358
Anas, Alex, Richard Arnott, and Kenneth A. Small Urban Spatial Structure 1997, Spring 357
Small, Kenneth A. and Xuehao Chu Hypercongestion 1997, Spring 356
Wachs, Martin and Jennifer Dill Regionalism in Transportation and Air Quality: History, Interpretation, and Insights for Regional Governance 1997, Spring 355
Bosselmann, Peter and Elizabeth Macdonald Environmental Quality of Multiple Roadway Boulevards 1997, Spring 354
Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia Inner-City Commercial Strips: Evolution, Decay & Retrofit? 1997, Spring 353
Shoup, Donald C. Evaluating the effects of cashing out employer-paid parking: Eight case studies 1997, Spring 352
Shoup, Donald C. The High Cost of Free Parking 1997, Spring 351
Levine, Ned and Martin Wachs Factors Affecting Vehicle Occupancy Measurement 1997, Spring 350
Henderson, Dennis K. and Patricia L. Mokhtarian Impacts of Center-Based Telecommuting on Travel and Emissions: Analysis of the Puget Sound Demonstration Project 1997, Spring 349
Hestermann, Dean W., Joseph F. DiMento, Drusilla van Hengel, and Brenda J. Nordenstam Public Works, the Courts, and the Consent Decree: Environmental and Social Effects of the 'Freeway With a Heart' 1997, Spring 348
Wachs, Martin Critical Issues in Transportation in California 1997, Fall 347
de Castilho, Bernardo and Carlos F. Daganzo Optimal Pricing Policies for Temporary Storage at Ports 1997, Fall 346
de Castilho, Bernardo and Carlos F. Daganzo Handling Strategies for Import Containers at Marine Terminals 1997, Fall 345
Delucchi, Mark A. Emissions of Criteria Pollutants, Toxic Air Pollutants, and Greenhouse Gases, from the Use of Alternative Transportation Modes and Fuels 1997, Spring 344
Boarnet, Marlon G. and Nicholas S. Compin Transit-Oriented Development in San Diego County: Incrementally Implementing a Comprehensive Idea 1997, Spring 343
Boarnet, Marlon G. and Sharon Sarmiento Can Land Use Policy Really Affect Travel Behavior? A Study of the Link Between Non-Work Travel and Land Use Characteristics 1997, Spring 342
Boarnet, Marlon G. Business Losses, Transportation Damage, and the Northridge Earthquake 1997, Spring 341
Boarnet, Marlon G. The Direct and Indirect Economic Effects of Transportation Infrastructure 1997, Spring 340
Small, Kenneth A. Economies of Scale and Self-Financing Rules with Noncompetitive Factor Markets 1997, Spring 339
Mokhtarian, Patricia L., et al. Adoption of Telecommuting in Two California State Agencies 1996, Fall 338
Golledge, Reginald G. Object-Oriented Dynamic GIS for Transportation Planning 1996, Fall 337
Gottlieb, Robert, et al. Homeward Bound: Food-Related Transportation Strategies in Low-Income and Transit-Dependent Communities 1996, Fall 336
Golob, Thomas F. A Model of Household Demand for Activity Participation and Mobility 1996, Fall 335
Kwan, Mei-Po and Reginald G. Golledge Computational Process Modeling of Disaggregate Travel Behavior 1996, Fall 334
Kwan, Mei-Po, Reginald G. Golledge and Jon Speigle Informational Representation for Driver Decision Support Systems 1996, Fall 333
Burns, Elizabeth K. Involuntary Mobility, Gender, and Travel Demand Management in Metropolitan Phoenix 1996, Fall 332
Cervero, Robert Subcentering and Commuting: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area, 1980-1990 1996, Fall 331
Fielding, Gordon J. Congestion Pricing and the Future of Transit 1996, Fall 330
Schwanen, Tim, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian Does Dissonance Between Desired and Current Residential Neighborhood Type Affect Individual Travel Behavior? An Empirical Assessment from the San Francisco Bay Area 2004, Spring 329
Delucchi, Mark A. and James Murphy General Taxes Paid by Producers and Consumers of Motor Vehicles, Motor Fuels, and Other Motor-Vehicle Goods and Services 1996 328
Delucchi, Mark A. Payments by Motor-Vehicle Users for the Use of Highways, Fuels, and Vehicles 1996 327
Delucchi, Mark A. and Don McCubbin The Contribution of Motor Vehicles to Ambient Air Pollution 1996 326
Delucchi, Mark A. and James Murphy U.S. Military Expenditures to Protect the Use of Persian-Gulf Oil for Motor Vehicles 1996 325
Delucchi, Mark A. and Shi-Ling Hsu The External Cost of Noise from Motor Vehicles 1996 324
Delucchi, Mark A., James Murphy, Jin Kim, and Don McCubbin The Cost of Reduced Visibility Due to Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles 1996 323
Delucchi, Mark A., Jin Kim, James Murphy, and Don McCubbin The Cost of Crop Losses Caused by Ozone Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles 1996 322
McCubbin, Don and Mark A. Delucchi The Cost of the Health Effects of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles 1996 321
Delucchi, Mark A. The Allocation of the Social Costs of Motor-Vehicle Use to Six Classes of Motor Vehicles 1996 320
Delucchi, Mark A. Summary of the Nonmonetary Externalities of Motor-Vehicle Use 1996 319
Delucchi, Mark A. Monetary Externalities of Motor-Vehicle Use 1996 318
Delucchi, Mark A. and James Murphy Motor-Vehicle Infrastructure and Services Provided by the Public Sector 1996 317
Delucchi, Mark A. and James Murphy Motor-Vehicle Goods and Services Bundled in the Private Sector 1996 316
Schwanen, Tim, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian The Extent and Determinants of Dissonance Between Actual and Preferred Residential Neighborhood Type 2004, Spring 315
Delucchi, Mark A. Personal Nonmonetary Costs of Motor-Vehicle Use 1996 314
Murphy, James and Mark A. Delucchi Review of Some of the Literature on the Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use 1996 313
Ory, David T., Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Lothlorien S. Redmond, Ilan Salomon, Gustavo O. Collantes, and Sangho Choo When is Commuting Desirable to the Individual? 2004, Spring 312
Delucchi, Mark A. The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the U.S., 1990-1991: Summary of Theory, Methods, Data, and Results 1996 311
Huang, William S. BART @ 20: Transit and Regional Economic Growth: A Review of the Literature 1996 310
Landis, John D. and David Loutzenheiser BART @ 20: BART Access and Office Building Performance 1996 309
Cervero, Robert, Carlos Castellanos, Wicaksono Sarosa, and Kenneth Rich BART @ 20: Land Use and Development Impacts 1996 308
Cervero, Robert, Alfred Round, Todd Goldman, and Kang-Li Wu BART @ 20: Rail Access Modes and Catchment Areas for the BART System 1996 307
Cervero, Robert and Alfred Round Future Ride: Adapting New Technologies to Paratransit in the United States 1996 306
Boarnet, Marlon G. Geography and Public Infrastructure 1996 305
Boarnet, Marlon G. and Randall Crane Public Finance and Transit-Oriented Planning: New Evidence from Southern California 1996 304
Klein, Daniel B. and Adrian T. Moore A Property Rights Framework for Transit Services 1996 303
Klein, Daniel B. and Adrian T. Moore Schedule Jockeying and Route Swamping: A Property Right Interpretation of British Bus Deregulation 1996 302
Klein, Daniel B. and Pia Maria Koskenoja The Smog-Reduction Road: Remote Sensing Versus the Clean Air Act 1996 301
Jacobs, Allan B., Yodan Y. Rof� and Elizabeth S. Macdonald Multiple Roadway Boulevards: Case Studies, Designs, and Design Guidelines 1996 300
Cervero, Robert Commercial Paratransit in the United States: Service Options, Markets and Performance 1996 299
Washington, Simon P., Randall Guensler, and Daniel Sperling Assessing the Emission Impacts of IVHS in an Uncertain Future 1996 298
Washington, Simon P. and Randall Guensler Carbon Monoxide Impacts of Automatic Vehicle Identification Applied to Electronic Vehicle Tolling 1996 297
Singer, Brett C. and Robert A. Harley A Fuel-Based Motor Vehicle Emission Inventory 1996 296
Washington, Simon P. and Troy M. Young 'Modal' Activity Models for Predicting Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Motor Vehicles 1996 295
Deakin, Elizabeth Effects of the Loma Prieta Earthquake on Transbay Travel Patterns 1996 294
Mokhtarian, Patricia L. and Ilan Salomon Modeling the Preference for Telecommuting: Measuring Attitudes and Other Variables 1996 293
Boarnet, Marlon G. The Economic Effects of Highway Congestion 1996 292
Boarnet, Marlon G. Highways and Economic Productivity: Interpreting Recent Evidence 1996 291